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mtb geezer
Little Ring

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Join UP!
01/10/08 at 9:47pm
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It's the first of the year and a good time for all 1200 of you people to join the Trailblazers. 

It's a bargin at $20 a year ....thats 5 1/2 cents a day.

If you ride 3 times a week's 13 cents a ride  Smiley

I spend more than that on chain lube!
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Little Ring
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Re: Join UP!
Reply #1 - 01/11/08 at 1:03am
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I think it's kind of like public radio and public television....people use the service for years before committing to help pay for it.  (I once heard that the average NPR member listens to public radio for nine years before joining!) Maybe that's why the average age at the Trailblazer monthly meetings is so much higher than I expected from a group of mountain bikers.  (My wife says that's why we need the PA all these old guys can hear.)   Grin 

Trailblazer memberships are so inexpensive that it's really hard to imagine why someone wouldn't join and help the organization that builds and maintains the trails they enjoy.  And if you ever attend one of the monthly meetings, I guarantee you'll be amazed and impressed with the number and scale of the projects this club undertakes.

Don't be a freeloader.  Don't rely on everyone else.  Join!  And if you do...the weight off your shoulders from the guilt you shed will make you ride faster, I promise.  Wink  (And it's cheper than carbon components!)


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Ride what you want to ride for whatever reason you choose. If you're on a bike and you're having fun, then you're doing it right. - Spydersmom on
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Re: Join UP!
Reply #2 - 01/11/08 at 2:35am
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I joined the middle of last year. Does it automatically renew or do I need to go thru paypal again?
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Little Ring

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Re: Join UP!
Reply #3 - 01/11/08 at 5:28pm
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Some people that joined last year chose to use the auto renew, good for only one year. Most forgot or didn't read when signing up and were confused when the payment was deducted again. We have since removed the auto renew option. Most likely yours will renew but you will receive an email, before it renews.

I will be sending out a renewal notice to the entire club shortly. It will contain the status of your membership. If I do not have your email please send it to me at (You need to Login or Register to view media files and links).
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Big Ring

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Re: Join UP!
Reply #4 - 01/11/08 at 5:37pm
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Fortunately I joined up and payed before I followed the NPR stats. I've never joined them though I do listen on occassion Wink Come on folks. $20 ain't much compared to what some spend just on gas to go to the mountains and ride. I challenge everyone to chip in a bit more so we can buy more signs Roll Eyes Grin. If anyone rides smaller trails (8-10 miles) in other areas you will quickly notice a huge difference in the maintenance and quality of the trails. I've ridden several trails in NC going to or from somewhere and I am impressed and proud by the quality of the trails we have right here. We obviously have a good active bunch who give of themselves here. Cool
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ben cohen
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Re: Join UP!
Reply #5 - 01/11/08 at 8:10pm
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I joined and got my membership papers and card in the mail. I think to myself "Sweet I'm official" 15 minutes later my 8th month old ate my membership card, well at least chewed on it long enough to make it unlegiable. I am now member # "smudge,hole,smudgey hole, blob" Embarrassed
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Little Ring
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Re: Join UP!
Reply #6 - 01/11/08 at 8:20pm
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Next time, go for the family membership.  It's only $5 more and the kid'll have a card of his/her own to chew!
« Last Edit: 01/11/08 at 8:21pm by Mike »  
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Ride what you want to ride for whatever reason you choose. If you're on a bike and you're having fun, then you're doing it right. - Spydersmom on
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ben cohen
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Re: Join UP!
Reply #7 - 01/11/08 at 8:42pm
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She might not like bikes...I don't want to pressure her. Smiley
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Re: Join UP!
Reply #8 - 01/11/08 at 9:15pm
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I got the family membership also...although I'm the only member of the family that rides the trails, my kids sometimes walk them...
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Re: Join UP!
Reply #9 - 02/12/08 at 11:01pm
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I renewed a couple weeks back. Am I supposed to get a new membership card. Or just scribble in 2008 on the old one Wink
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Little Ring

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Re: Join UP!
Reply #10 - 02/12/08 at 11:30pm
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You'll be getting a new one. I have been swamped and I am running behind. Please be patient. I hope to be caught up by the end of the day tomorrow.
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Re: Join UP!
Reply #11 - 02/12/08 at 11:31pm
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From Thursday's Meeting....

Memebership Dude reported he was covered up with renewals, He said he was diggin' out as fast as he could.

Thanks For the Renewal, It IS appreciated.
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Little Ring
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Re: Join UP!
Reply #12 - 02/13/08 at 1:24am
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I had Jim mention this in the meeting, but it's worth saying again---Please take a moment to fill out a matching gift form if your employer matches your gifts to non-profit organizations.  It's free money for the club!

In my case, Bank of America matches dollar for dollar up to $5,000 a year with a $25 minimum.  To make the minimum, I went for the family membership.  (Because of that, I think my 7-year old considers himself a Trailblazer.)

I believe Wachovia has a similar program so take a moment to find out if your employer has one and take advantage of it, for this and for all of your charitable contributions.
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Ride what you want to ride for whatever reason you choose. If you're on a bike and you're having fun, then you're doing it right. - Spydersmom on
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Coaster Bike

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Re: Join UP!
Reply #13 - 02/13/08 at 4:32pm
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Mike wrote on 02/13/08 at 1:24am:
I had Jim mention this in the meeting, but it's worth saying again---Please take a moment to fill out a matching gift form if your employer matches your gifts to non-profit organizations.  It's free money for the club!

In my case, Bank of America matches dollar for dollar up to $5,000 a year with a $25 minimum.  To make the minimum, I went for the family membership.  (Because of that, I think my 7-year old considers himself a Trailblazer.)

I believe Wachovia has a similar program so take a moment to find out if your employer has one and take advantage of it, for this and for all of your charitable contributions.

Wachovia has the same program. $25 minimum and up to $4000 per employee per year.
« Last Edit: 02/13/08 at 4:33pm by DJK »  
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Small Cog

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Re: Join UP!
Reply #14 - 02/14/08 at 7:40pm
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I renewed a couple weeks back. Am I supposed to get a new membership card. Or just scribble in 2008 on the old one Wink

We get membership cards? Huh
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Re: Join UP!
Reply #15 - 02/15/08 at 8:56pm
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Shakenbake wrote on 02/14/08 at 7:40pm:
I renewed a couple weeks back. Am I supposed to get a new membership card. Or just scribble in 2008 on the old one Wink

We get membership cards? Huh
If it's like last year,I got a couple stickers also. The first year I joined, I didn't get a card. Went to a shop and tried to get the discount and they told me I needed to see the membership card. I was at the pub the other day and showed the bartender my membership card. He told me he never heard about the free beer insentive to ride program Roll Eyes
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Little Ring

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Re: Join UP!
Reply #16 - 02/16/08 at 1:00am
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I was at the pub the other day and showed the bartender my membership card. He told me he never heard about the free beer insentive to ride program Roll Eyes

Sounds like you just volunteered to get that program into full swing!
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