TARHEEL TRAILBLAZERS MEMBERSHIP DRIVE AND YEAR END REPORT Its that time of year again when we ask all of our members to renew their memberships and to encourage the rest of the local mountain biking community to become members of the club. If you joined or renewed at another point in time during the last year, your membership is good for a full 12 months. We just encourage everyone who can to rejoin at this time so we can reduce our membership renewal efforts and better plan our annual budget. The Tarheel Trailblazers’ mission statement is: To provide our members and our communities the best possible opportunities to enjoy mountain biking. We do this by: • Aggressively and diligently maintaining, and improving and protecting the numerous trail systems available for our use in and around the greater Charlotte region. • Being the voice of Advocacy for Mountain Bikers. • Continuously looking for new locations to develop trail systems in and around Charlotte. • Providing a clearing house of information on rides and other activities related to Mountain Biking. To be sure you understand why we really need your continuing support, I’d like to give you a recap of our trail related efforts in 2009 and our ongoing activity to continue to expand our regional trail system. Lake Norman State Park. We provided $10,000 in club funds to complete the majority of the mechanized work on the new 4.75 mile Laurel Loop. Under the direction of the Trailblazers North membership, the new loop was completed and opened on January 2. This brings the total single track mileage at LNSP to 18 miles. Next Steps: Phase IV (b) (approximately 4.5 miles) is flagged and we are seeking funding for the mechanized trail cutting work. North members are also negotiating with the State for a Phase 5 contract which could add an additional 10 plus miles of new trail. This is already a significant regional trail and has the potential to become a major draw for mountain bikers throughout the southeast. U.S. National Whitewater Center. The Center worked extensively with a property owner adjacent to the park to obtain access to land for additional trails. Together with the Center, the Trailblazers managed the layout and construction of the new 4 mile Green Trail on this adjacent property. This new trail provides a great beginner trail experience at the Center, which remains the only trail center in the region where beginners can rent trail bikes. Total single track mileage at the Whitewater Center is now approximately 15 miles. Next Steps: County property adjacent to the green trail has been earmarked for new construction that could soon add 3 to 4 miles of additional new trail. There are also discussions underway to possibly develop alternative style riding at the Whitewater Center. Stay tuned! Southwest Park. The club obtained a $5,000 grant from REI and another $5,000 Adopt-A-Trail grant from North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and also spent $2,000 of the club’s funds to develop and open this brand new 3 mile trail. REI also donated 5 or 6 brand new Navaro bikes to the Dirt Divas who in turn presented them to Trips For Kids for use at the Recreation Center located at this park. This is a huge, multi-organizational effort that has created a fantastic new amenity for this fragile neighborhood, and continues the ongoing revitalization of this community. Try this new trail – you’ll like it! There remains a lot of potential at this trail for a skills area, advanced lines and added mileage. Fisher Farm. The club negotiated a contract with the adjacent landowner (Mr. Fisher himself!) to access additional acreage to expand this trail by over a mile. REI provided a $7,000 grant (yea, them again!!) to pay for the mechanized trail cut as well as needed bridging. Mark laid out an aggressive trail line, Water bOb sliced the dirt, boulders were moved and volunteers dressed the trail. Yet to finish are several ravine crossings, signage and final touches. Look for the new mileage to open in the first quarter ’10. This addition will not only enhance the everyday ride experience at Fisher, but also expand the ability to use this trail for training, racing and skills events which are very well accommodated and attended in this “event friendly” setting. Lakewood Neighborhood Skills Park & Trail. The Trailblazers helped negotiate a contract between Trips For Kids and Ben Blitch’s B-4 Construction to build this pump track – skills area – and skills enhanced trail for the Lakewood neighborhood kids. This was done with a grant provided by REI (again!!). The club provided heavy machinery, logistical support, volunteers to assist with the build and will manage ongoing maintenance. This facility was designed to coordinate with a proposed single track trail to be developed as the Lakewood Neighborhood Association finalizes its plans for a greatly enlarged community park. Signal Hill Trail. The North side members have significantly expanded and enhanced this Statesville favorite and are negotiating for an additional trail in the area that would tie together with Signal Hill via the existing greenway. Lots of grant writing and other trail activity going on up North! Our Trails: New Trail Completed in 2009: 11.5 miles Total Trails Built and under Maintenance Contract: 75 miles Trail Approved or Underway: 9.7 miles Proposed Trail Under Negotiation: 22 miles On behalf of the Executive Officers of the Club, I want to thank our extended board members, all of the local bike shops and our other club sponsors (the Dirt Divas, REI, Lomax Tile, Heartwood Tree Service, Charlotte Sports Cycling, Trips For Kids and The Regulators among many others…) for their continued support. I also want to give a special thanks to all of the trail workers who get dirty building, improving and maintaining our trails. I’d like to name names, but I know I’d leave too many out. You all are special – without you, none of this happens! PLEASE JOIN or REJOIN the Tarheel Trailblazers. If you can, please give a few extra dollars and take advantage of your employer’s charitable contribution match program. We are a qualified 501(c)(3) charitable corporation and your donations are tax deductable. Also, plan to do at least a little trail work (you won’t regret it!), and if you have the inclination – please add your talent or time to help advance our goals. Let me or any of our Executive Officers or Trail Coordinators know if you can spend a few hours helping with grant writing, event planning, membership drives, leading a ride or using your map making, website or other technical skills. We’ll plug you in and it won’t hurt! Don’t forget, ask your friends and riding buddies to join the club! You’d be surprised how many people are just WAITING to be asked. Thank you sincerely for your continued support. Jim Grover President, Tarheel Trailblazers