Well, I wasn't naming names because I don't think you're the only one Scott. I used quotes around "attack" because I didn't mean a serious attack, like a physical or verbal barrage. I meant that a few times (in the first few years I've known you, Scott your method HAS IMPROVED and become nicer lately) when a rider has ridden by us digging the delivery has seemed to alienate people. I only used the word attack because it implies an aggressive, abrasive manner that could offend a person; I probably should have used a "nicer" word, but hell Scott, I'm not PC and I wasn't trying to offend anyone. That's why I signed my personal name too. However, I TOTALLY understand why you'd sound that way. Like you said Scott, after 25 + years of doing work and not getting help from people who ride past and say they will, I'd be "bitter or angry" too. (Again quotes, cause I mean those words in a certain context) Typically, I like to work alone. If someone rides past me and says, "Thanks for working," I'll say "You're welcome. I'm glad to do it." I don't try to convince them to come work; I don't think they will. If someone rides past me and says, "Thanks for working, how can I help?," then I will say "You're welcome! Here take a shovel or go to this website and look for dig days." The difference is what type of greeting I get from the rider. If they don't offer to help, they most likely won't help ever. Scott: Keep doing what you're doing. Keep talking to people how you're talking to people. You're up next for the BBM award cause you're a force on the trail. I love you, man.