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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) Aggressive Dogs Off-Leash (Read 3397 times)
Coaster Bike

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Aggressive Dogs Off-Leash
04/19/19 at 5:52pm
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Is is just me, or do you all encounter aggressive dogs off-leash when riding the trails?  

I frequent LNSP and nine times out of 10 owners have their dogs off-leash, which nearly always charge me while the they chase and try to regain control...  A couple of weeks ago I passed a couple with a pit bull and some smaller dog...  About a hundred yards later, I heard something and the smaller one was silently chasing me down. Fortunately, I was able to stop in time to avoid a collision...  Some time back, I came around a corner to find a guy with a doberman that started barking at me.  He wrestled the big dog to the ground but it got away from him and charged me - I couldn't move because I was astride my bike but was able to yell "STOP" loudly and that thankfully caused him to halt.  Of course, the owner was running and shouting.  

I understand folks love their dogs, but why do they think they can ignore the park leash rules?  I really am interested to know if I am unique in that I trigger all this doggy aggression? (BTW, same problems when I am hiking.)

Ely Huh
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It's All Downhill From

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Re: Aggressive Dogs Off-Leash
Reply #1 - 04/19/19 at 6:02pm
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I hadn't had any issues with dogs on the trails.  I'm usually just "idling" by as to not startle them.  But if one decides to take a bite, we're going to have a problem.
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Small Cog

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Re: Aggressive Dogs Off-Leash
Reply #2 - 04/19/19 at 8:22pm
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I had an issue years ago at Francis Beatty with a very nasty dog that came at me.  The owner was easily 100 yards behind and not in any hurry to catch up.  I got off the bike when I saw the dog coming and actually had to hit it with my back tire to get it to back off.  The lady finally got over in time to chastise me for hitting her poor dog.  She was a total a-hole.  I remember hearing similar stories from other folks around the same time out there.

Did't have any bad encounters until the other day at Poston.  A lady was walking two dogs (both on leashes thankfully), but the smaller of the two was very aggressive and likely would have bitten me if it was not on a leash.

I run into people all the time who think leash laws don't apply to them.  Their dog is always the nicest until that one time when it isn't...   It bothers me, but in all honesty people don't give a crap anymore so why worry about it.  Just don't get mad at me if I kick the crap out of your dog to keep from getting bitten.
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Coaster Bike

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Re: Aggressive Dogs Off-Leash
Reply #3 - 04/20/19 at 4:47pm
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Pulling60 wrote on 04/19/19 at 5:52pm:
Is is just me, or do you all encounter aggressive dogs off-leash when riding the trails? 

These are issues at the state park we would like you to directly communicate to Ranger staff. Owners of pups who don't comply with leash laws can receive fines and citations. Dogs off leash is actually an arrestable offense in NC. 

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Coaster Bike

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Re: Aggressive Dogs Off-Leash
Reply #4 - 04/20/19 at 7:54pm
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I've had this problem a few times.  Everyone needs to have their dog leash, despite how well they are trained.
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Small Cog

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Re: Aggressive Dogs Off-Leash
Reply #5 - 04/20/19 at 10:23pm
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I am recovering from a dog bite sustained 2 weeks ago while riding the road bike. Required stitches. I refused the rabies shots. I still can't do much and my leg is still pretty swollen and hurts a good bit.  I'm going to start carrying pepper spray in a jersey pocket. It might be considered cruel but I'm not about to go through this again and they put the dog down.  Not a good outcome for anyone.
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Yeah, to the best of my knowledge:)
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Nick M.

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Re: Aggressive Dogs Off-Leash
Reply #6 - 04/22/19 at 2:40pm
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I see it a lot too. Called the cops on a lady at North Meck a few years ago because of her dogs who were off leash and coming after me...and yet I was the bad guy for yelling at her and her dogs. It's a problem everywhere, now I stop and get off my bike when I see it.
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The Grey Ghost
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Coaster Bike

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Re: Aggressive Dogs Off-Leash
Reply #7 - 04/23/19 at 11:04am
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nottheranger wrote on 04/20/19 at 4:47pm:

These are issues at the state park we would like you to directly communicate to Ranger staff. Owners of pups who don't comply with leash laws can receive fines and citations. Dogs off leash is actually an arrestable offense in NC. 

Perhaps some very visible signage explicitly stating the above, posted at the trailheads (hiking and biking), would help?  I assume most folks will want to comply if they are made aware of the consequences...  Just a thought...   Roll Eyes

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Work Ride Tarheel Trailblazers

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Re: Aggressive Dogs Off-Leash
Reply #8 - 04/23/19 at 12:38pm
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Can you arrest my dog instead of me?

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Project Board

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Re: Aggressive Dogs Off-Leash
Reply #9 - 04/23/19 at 12:46pm
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People don't look at or read signs! I know this because after working at Snowshoe as a lift attendant. They don't even look at the signs. I was at Fisher Farms one Saturday when I lived in NC. and a guy ask a lady that just came up from walking her dog if the leash law was in effect all over the park. She told him it was just at the trail head and when you got to the trail, you could let your dog loose. I told him that the sign said "dogs must be on the leash at all times no longer than 6' ". People do what they want and don't care about anyone else!!
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Coaster Bike

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Re: Aggressive Dogs Off-Leash
Reply #10 - 04/23/19 at 1:25pm
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Pulling60 wrote on 04/23/19 at 11:04am:

Perhaps some very visible signage explicitly stating the above, posted at the trailheads (hiking and biking), would help?  I assume most folks will want to comply if they are made aware of the consequences...  Just a thought...   Roll Eyes

Signs, signs, everywhere there's signs... 

We do have signs explicitly stating leashing dogs throughout the park. The trailhead signs also remind the public of the rules as well. I couldn't bare to see more ugly brown signs telling the public how to appropriately recreate. 

We usually deal with off leash dogs with written and verbal warnings. As I stated earlier, NC has a harsh penalty for this-- it's a Class III misdemeanor (all Park offenses are-- drinking, killing a snake, starting a fire,  riding Monbo when it's closed...) For most cases, the violator does not deserve a misdemeanor. We would hope the in the near future the state will lesson the offense to a infraction, as we all feel that is more appropriate. 

We will be approaching the issue differently soon due to the fact that we are hearing concerns and complaints. This may include signage that states violators will be cited-- and we may be hiding in the bushes with tickets on hand. 

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Impaler 58
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Re: Aggressive Dogs Off-Leash
Reply #11 - 04/24/19 at 12:52pm
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When I was in Michigan, you could have alcohol at the picnic areas in state parks. Never heard of any trouble. Is the no alcohol rule at NC State Parks because of Jesus?
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Coaster Bike

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Re: Aggressive Dogs Off-Leash
Reply #12 - 04/24/19 at 4:06pm
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I think you should refrain from making comments like that on this site.
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Coaster Bike

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Re: Aggressive Dogs Off-Leash
Reply #13 - 04/24/19 at 4:47pm
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Impaler 58 wrote on 04/24/19 at 12:52pm:
When I was in Michigan, you could have alcohol at the picnic areas in state parks....

Not exactly:

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Perfect example of what we are talking about here--people not knowing the rules or thinking they do.
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Coaster Bike

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Re: Aggressive Dogs Off-Leash
Reply #14 - 04/24/19 at 5:15pm
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Impaler 58 wrote on 04/24/19 at 12:52pm:
When I was in Michigan, you could have alcohol at the picnic areas in state parks. Never heard of any trouble. Is the no alcohol rule at NC State Parks because of Jesus?

I'm fairly certain Jesus has better things to do than make laws regarding drinking alcohol in parks.

Here's the fake news version of why: The NC General Assembly made the law solely on the fact that too many non-divine people cannot seem to control themselves while under the influence of alcohol which caused a needless drain on law enforcement resources to handle alcohol related problems.  The statute doesn't make a theological reference but a budgetary.
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I used to be addicted to the Hokey Pokey but then I turned myself around.
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Impaler 58
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Re: Aggressive Dogs Off-Leash
Reply #15 - 04/25/19 at 12:14pm
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Nuke wrote on 04/24/19 at 4:47pm:

Not exactly:

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Perfect example of what we are talking about here--people not knowing the rules or thinking they do.

They done changed the rule, probably all the folks lighting up now in Michigan
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Impaler 58
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Re: Aggressive Dogs Off-Leash
Reply #16 - 04/25/19 at 12:19pm
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For all the talk about the state parks being there for the citizens of NC, there sure are a lot of rules. I read in a one of the Godspells, that Jesus turned water into wine. Cool dude😊
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Little Ring

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Re: Aggressive Dogs Off-Leash
Reply #17 - 04/25/19 at 1:26pm
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Impaler 58 wrote on 04/24/19 at 12:52pm:
When I was in Michigan, you could have alcohol at the picnic areas in state parks. Never heard of any trouble. Is the no alcohol rule at NC State Parks because of Jesus?

You're simply an feckless troll trying to stir people up. You went down this path a year or so ago. How about finding a more appropriate forum for your drivel or keep your comments bike-related when you're on a biking forum?
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"The state is the great fiction by which each of us seeks to live at the expense of all of us."    --19th century French economist Frederic Bastiat
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Impaler 58
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Re: Aggressive Dogs Off-Leash
Reply #18 - 04/25/19 at 5:30pm
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Life's a b***h, then you die. Dogs on trails have nothing to do with biking either. And your right. Up with in Michigan UP folks are known as yoopers, and LP are known as trolls. It was this bike organization that decided to adapt it as some deogratory remark. Ok, you want to talk about bikes,  what is it about Charlotte area mountain bikers that make them think they don't have to make their presence known when getting ready to over take another rider. Are you guys ashamed to be out there. I believe this and not using turn signals go hand in hand. And everywhere I've been riding in the past year is not the same. In Western Carolina, people at least greet you with good day. At your meetings, is this the etiquette y'all teach. That and yelling on your left. Seeing by the stuff I see on this forum. You guys think the way to be is unfriendly
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Work Ride Tarheel Trailblazers

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Re: Aggressive Dogs Off-Leash
Reply #19 - 04/25/19 at 6:07pm
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Impaler 58 wrote on 04/25/19 at 5:30pm:
Life's a b***h, then you die. Dogs on trails have nothing to do with biking either. And your right. Up with in Michigan UP folks are known as yoopers, and LP are known as trolls. It was this bike organization that decided to adapt it as some deogratory remark. Ok, you want to talk about bikes,  what is it about Charlotte area mountain bikers that make them think they don't have to make their presence known when getting ready to over take another rider. Are you guys ashamed to be out there. I believe this and not using turn signals go hand in hand. And everywhere I've been riding in the past year is not the same. In Western Carolina, people at least greet you with good day. At your meetings, is this the etiquette y'all teach. That and yelling on your left. Seeing by the stuff I see on this forum. You guys think the way to be is unfriendly

I don't get overtaken on ebike too often so i don't have this issue. I do try and give some audible noises to let others old farts and noobs know i am coming up by giving them a little rev of the muffler vroom vroom..  
« Last Edit: 04/25/19 at 6:10pm by mand1ng0sauc3 »  
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